Amiodarone Hameln

Amiodarone Hameln150 mg/3 ml

IV Injection

Amiodarone Hydrochloride

ZAS Corporation

Product Code : 813
MRP 190.00
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Medicine overview

Indications of Amiodarone Hameln 150 mg/3 ml

Amiodarone tablet is used for many serious arrhythmias of the heart including ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and atrial flutter.Amiodarone injection is an antiarrhythmic agent indicated for initiation of treatment ... Read moreAmiodarone tablet is used for many serious arrhythmias of the heart including ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and atrial flutter.Amiodarone injection is an antiarrhythmic agent indicated for initiation of treatment and prophylaxis of frequently recurring ventricular fibrillation (VF) and hemodynamically unstable ventricular tachycardia (VT) in patients refractory to other therapy.

Theropeutic Class

Potassium channel blockers


In animals, Amiodarone HCl is effective in the prevention or suppression of experimentally induced arrhythmias. The antiarrhythmic effect of Amiodarone may be due to at least two major properties: A prolongation of the myocardial cell-action potential duration and refractory period Non-competitive antagonism of α- and β-adrenoceptors. Amiodarone prolongs the duration of the action potential of all cardiac fibers while causing minimal reduction of dV/dt (maximal upstroke velocity of the action potential). The refractory period is prolonged in all cardiac tissues. Amiodarone increases the cardiac refractory period without influencing resting membrane potential, except in automatic cells where the slope of the prepotential is reduced, generally reducing automaticity. These electrophysiologic effects are reflected in a decreased sinus rate of 15 to 20%, increased PR and QT intervals of about 10%, the development of U-waves, and changes in T-wave contour. These changes should not require discontinuation of Amiodarone as they are evidence of its pharmacological action, although Amiodarone can cause marked sinus bradycardia or sinus arrest and heart block. On rare occasions, QT prolongation has been associated with worsening of arrhythmia

Dosage & Administration of Amiodarone Hameln 150 mg/3 ml

Oral dose is 200 mg 3 times daily for 1 week reduced to 200 mg twice daily or the minimum required to control arrhythmia.

Dosage of Amiodarone Hameln 150 mg/3 ml

Tablet: 200 mg 3 times daily for 1 week reduced to 200 mg twice daily or the minimum required to control arrhythmia. Amiodarone is usually given in several daily doses to minimize stomach upset which is seen more frequently with higher doses. For this same reason, it is also recommended that Amiodarone should be taken with meals.Injection: The recommended starting dose is about 1000 mg over the first 24 hours of therapy, delivered by the following infusion regimen: Initial Load: 150 mg per 100 mL (in D5W or Normal Saline) infused over 10 minutes Followed by: 1 mg/min for 6 hours Followed by: 0.5 mg/min thereafter In the event of breakthrough episodes of VF or hemodynamically unstable VT: Repeat the Initial Load described above as needed (infused over 10 minutes). Increase the rate of maintenance infusion to achieve effective arrhythmia suppression.

Interaction of Amiodarone Hameln 150 mg/3 ml

Amiodarone may interact with b blockers such as Atenolol, Propranolol, Metoprolol, or certain calcium channel blockers, such as Verapamil or Diltiazem, resulting in an excessively slow heart rate. Amiodarone increases the blood levels of Digoxin when the two drugs are given together. Flecainide blood concentrations increase by more than 50% with Amiodarone. Procainamide and Quinidine concentrations increase by 30-50% during the first week of Amiodarone therapy. Amiodarone also can interact with tricyclic antidepressants (TCA). Amiodarone interacts with Warfarin and increases the risk of bleeding. Amiodarone inhibits the metabolism of Dextromethorphan.


Amiodarone is contraindicated in patients with cardiogenic shock; severe sinus-node dysfunction, causing marked sinus bradycardia; second- or third degree atrioventricular block; and when episodes of bradycardia have caused syncope (except when used in conjunction with a pacemaker). Amiodarone is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to the drug or to any of its components, including iodine.

Side Effects of Amiodarone Hameln 150 mg/3 ml

The most severe side effects of Amiodarone therapy are related to the lungs. These reactions can be fatal. Patients should report any symptoms of cough, fever, or painful breathing. Although quite rare, fatal liver toxicity may occur with Amiodarone therapy. Reversible corneal microdeposits (sometimes with night glare), rarely impaired vision due to optic neuritis; peripheral neuropathy and myopathy (usually reversible on withdrawal); bradycardia and conduction disturbances; phototoxicity and rarely persistent skin discolouration; hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism; raised serum transaminases; jaundice, hepatitis and cirrhosis are reported. Other rare complaints are nausea, vomiting, metallic taste, tremor, sweating, vertigo, headache, sleeplessness, fatigue, alopecia, benign raised intracranial pressure, ataxia, rashes, vasculitis, renal involvement, thrombocytopenia, haemolytic or aplastic anaemia. In some cases, dose of Amiodarone may be reduced. In other cases, Amiodarone therapy may need to be stopped.

Pregnancy & Lactation

Should not be administered during pregnancy and lactation.

Overdose Effects of Amiodarone Hameln 150 mg/3 ml

There have been cases, some fatal, of Amiodarone overdose. In addition to general supportive measures, the patient's cardiac rhythm and blood pressure should be monitored, and if bradycardia ensues, a β-adrenergic agonist or a pacemaker may be used. Hypotension with inadequate tissue perfusion should be treated with positive inotropic and/or vasopressor agents. Neither Amiodarone nor its metabolite is dialyzable. The acute oral LD50 of Amiodarone HCl in mice and rats is greater than 3,000 mg/kg.

Storage Conditions

Keep below 30°C temperature, away from light & moisture. Keep out of the reach of children.

Use In Special Populations

Pediatric Use: The safety and effectiveness of Amiodarone HCl tablets in pediatric patients have not been established.Geriatric Use: Clinical studies of Amiodarone HCl tablets did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy.

Drug Classes

Potassium channel blockers

Mode Of Action

Amiodarone Hameln 150 mg/3 ml is used to correct abnormal rhythms of the heart. Amiodarone is considered a "broad spectrum" antiarrhythmic medication. The most important electrical effects of the drug includes : a delay in the rate at which the heart’s electrical system "recharges" after the heart contracts (repolarisation); a prolongation in the electrical phase during which the heart’s muscle cells are electrically stimulated (action potential); a slowing of the speed of electrical conduction (how fast each individual impulse is conducted through the heart’s electrical system); a reduction in the rapidity of firing of the normal generator of electrical impulses in the heart (the heart’s pacemaker); and a slowing of conduction through various specialised electrical pathways (called accessory pathways). In addition to being an antiarrhythmic medication, Amiodarone also causes blood vessels to dilate. Because of this effect it also may be of benefit in patients with  congestive heart failure. This effect can result in drop of blood pressure.


In general, Amiodarone should not be administered during pregnancy because there have been reports of hypo or hyperthyroidism in infants from oral Amiodarone use during pregnancy. If Amiodarone use is considered essential, however, the patient should be warned of the risk to the foetus. The safe use of Amiodarone in lactating women has not been established.

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