
Movilax100 ml

Oral Solution

Polyethylene Glycol 3350 + Electrolytes

Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Product Code : 11011
MRP 160.00
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Medicine overview

Indications of Movilax 100 ml

For use in adults and children over 12 years of age for effective relief from constipation and treatment of chronic constipation. Also effective in resolving fecal impaction, defined as refractory constipation with fecal loading of the rectum and colon.


Each 25 ml concentrated oral solution contains- Polyethylene Glycol 3350: 13.125 gm Sodium Chloride: 350.7 mg Sodium Bicarbonate: 178.5 mg Potassium Chloride: 46.6 mg Each sachet (Powder for Suspension) contains- Polyethylene Glycol 3350: 13.125 gm Sodium chloride: 350.7 mg Sodium Bicarbonate: 178.5 mg Potassium Chloride BP 46.6 mg.

Theropeutic Class

Osmotic purgatives


Polyethylene Glycol 3350 exerts an osmotic action in the gut, which induces a laxative effect. Polyethylene Glycol 3350 increases the stool volume, which triggers colon motility via neuromuscular pathways. Electrolytes combined with Polyethylene Glycol 3350 are exchanged across the intestinal barrier (mucosa) with serum electrolytes and excreted in fecal water without net gain or loss of sodium, potassium and water.Sodium chloride is the major extracellular cation. It is important in electrolyte and fluid balance, osmotic pressure control and water distribution as it restores sodium ions. It is used as a source of electrolytes and water for hydration, treatment of metabolic acidosis, priming solution in haemodialysis and treatment of hyperosmolar diabetes. It is also used as diluents for infusion of compatible drug additives. Sodium bicarbonate raises blood and urinary pH by dissociation to provide bicarbonate ions, which neutralises the hydrogen ion concentration. It also neutralises gastric acid via production of carbon dioxide.Potassium chloride is a major cation of the intracellular fluid. It plays an active role in the conduction of nerve impulses in the heart, brain and skeletal muscle; contraction of cardiac skeletal and smooth muscles; maintenance of normal renal function, acid-base balance, carbohydrate metabolism and gastric secretion.

Dosage & Administration of Movilax 100 ml

For adults and children aged 12 years and above: (Powder for Suspension) Constipation: The dose is 1 sachet daily. This may be increased to 2-3 sachets daily, if required.  Fecal Impaction: 8 sachets daily, consumed within 6 hours. A course of treatment for fecal impaction does not normally exceed 3 days.  Patients with renal insufficiency: No dosage change is necessary for treatment of either constipation or fecal impaction. Direction of use: Each sachet should be dissolved in 125 ml water. For fecal impaction 8 sachets may be dissolved in 1 litre of water. Store the solution refrigerated and discard any solution not used within 6 hours.  For adults and children aged 12 years and above: (Oral Solution)  Constipation: 25 ml of Polyethylene Glycol 3350 and electrolytes oral solution added to 100 ml of water once daily (to make a total volume of 125 ml). This may be increased to 2-3 doses of 25 ml daily (each 25 ml dose added to 100 ml of water), if required according to individual response. Fecal Impaction: 8 doses of 25 ml daily (each 25 ml dose added to 100 ml of water). A course of treatment for fecal impaction does not normally exceed 3 days. Direction of use: 25 ml of oral solution added to 100 ml of water (to make a total volume of 125 ml). Any unused diluted solution should be discarded within 24 hours. 

Dosage of Movilax 100 ml

For adults and children aged 12 years and above: (Powder for Suspension) Constipation: The dose is 1 sachet daily. This may be increased to 2-3 sachets daily, if required.  Fecal Impaction: 8 sachets daily, consumed within 6 hours. A course of treatment for fecal impaction does not normally exceed 3 days.  Patients with renal insufficiency: No dosage change is necessary for treatment of either constipation or fecal impaction. Direction of use: Each sachet should be dissolved in 125 ml water. For fecal impaction 8 sachets may be dissolved in 1 litre of water. Store the solution refrigerated and discard any solution not used within 6 hours.  For adults and children aged 12 years and above: (Oral Solution)  Constipation: 25 ml of Polyethylene Glycol 3350 and electrolytes oral solution added to 100 ml of water once daily (to make a total volume of 125 ml). This may be increased to 2-3 doses of 25 ml daily (each 25 ml dose added to 100 ml of water), if required according to individual response. Fecal Impaction: 8 doses of 25 ml daily (each 25 ml dose added to 100 ml of water). A course of treatment for fecal impaction does not normally exceed 3 days. Direction of use: 25 ml of oral solution added to 100 ml of water (to make a total volume of 125 ml). Any unused diluted solution should be discarded within 24 hours.

Interaction of Movilax 100 ml

There is a possibility that the absorption of other medicinal products could be transiently reduced during use with this preparation. There have been isolated reports of decreased efficacy with some concomitantly administered medicinal products, e.g. anti-epileptics.


Intestinal perforation or obstruction due to structural or functional disorder of the gut wall, ileus, severe inflammatory conditions of the intestinal tract, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and toxic megacolon. Hypersensitivity to the active substances.

Side Effects of Movilax 100 ml

Generally well tolerated. However side effects like allergic reactions, electrolyte disturbances particularly hyperkalaemia and hypokalaemia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, peripheral edema may appear.

Pregnancy & Lactation

Use in Pregnancy: There is no experience of the use of Polyethylene Glycol 3350 during pregnancy and lactation. It should only be used if considered essential by the physician. Use in Lactation: It is unknown whether Polyethylene Glycol 3350 is excreted in human breast milk.

Precautions & Warnings

Patients with impaired cardiovascular function: For the treatment of fecal impaction the dose should be divided so that no more than two sachets are taken in any one hour. If patients develop any symptoms indicating shifts of fluid/electrolytes (e.g. edema, shortness of breath, increasing fatigue, dehydration, cardiac failure) Movilax should be stopped immediately and any abnormality should be treated appropriately. Prolonged use with all laxatives is undesirable and may lead to dependence.

Overdose Effects of Movilax 100 ml

Severe pain or distention can be treated by nasogastric aspiration. Extensive fluid loss by diarrhea or vomiting may require correction of electrolyte disturbances.

Storage Conditions

Store below 30° C and in a place protected from light. Do not refrigerate.

Drug Classes

Osmotic purgatives

Mode Of Action

Macrogol, also known as polyethylene glycol exerts an osmotic action in the gut, which induces a laxative effect. Macrogol increases stool volume, which triggers colon motility via neuromuscular pathways. The physiological consequence is an improved propulsive colonic transportation of the soften stools and a facilitation of the defecation. Electrolytes combined with Macrogol are exchanged across the intestinal barrier (mucosa) with serum electrolytes and excreted without net gain or loss of sodium, potassium and water. Macrogol is unchanged along the gut. It is virtually unabsorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.


Clinically, no effects during pregnancy are anticipated, since systemic exposure to Macrogol (3350) is negligible. This oral solution can be used during pregnancy. No effects on the breastfed newborn/infant are anticipated since the systemic exposure of the breast-feeding woman to Macrogol (3350) is negligible. This oral solution can be used during breastfeeding.

The information provided is accurate to our best practices, but it does not replace professional medical advice. We cannot guarantee its completeness or accuracy. The absence of specific information about a drug should not be seen as an endorsement. We are not responsible for any consequences resulting from this information, so consult a healthcare professional for any concerns or questions.